Residential property acquisitions involve a significant amount of data transfer. It can be difficult to know the best way to import that data to your Yardi environment. Both Y-to-Y and ETL conversions offer a wide range of benefits when importing property data to your Yardi environment. Y-to-Y, aka Yardi-to-Yardi conversion or Y2Y, is a helpful function to map and convert information between two Yardi databases. ETLs, aka Extract-Transform-Load, refer templates that mirror Yardi’s data tables and allow you to import data from a spreadsheet.
In Part 2, we’ll explore when to utilize the Y-to-Y function for your conversion:
More data included – Y-to-Y files can include work orders, prospects, historical lease information, view-only tenant ledgers, and more data points that are less likely to be created via ETL. If the prior management company was diligent about attaching leases, notices, and other documents to the resident profile, a Y-to-Y is the best choice. After importing the Y-to-Y file, a Yardi Cloud Case can be created to transfer the tenant attachments (as long as the seller signed the transfer request). Transferring attachments and ledgers can save significant time for on-site team members and support a smoother transition.
Multiple acquisitions from the same seller – If your company is acquiring multiple
properties from the same seller or management company, a Y-to-Y file can save
valuable time. The Y-to-Y mapping can be time consuming for the first property, but the same mapping can be applied to each subsequent file. Because of this, only property- specific data (like unit types) would need to be mapped for each subsequent acquisition. This leads to major efficiency gains and a quicker turnaround time for property builds.
Regardless of which method you choose to create your new property in Yardi, validation is essential. Always request additional reports to verify the accuracy of your newly loaded data.